Geography Bhugol Samanya Gyan

by Divy Panchal



The content of the app is in Hindi language.This app has general knowledge questions and answers based on geography subject.These questions and answers are given in sets.Each set has 10 questions with their respective answers.These questions and answers covers almost all topics of geography.Geography GK in Hindi contains 1500+ Geography Questions in Hindi for various competitions like UPSC, SSC, Bank PO, IBPS, Patwar Exam, B.ed and NET, SLET, TET, CTET and REET exam and State PSC exams.Questions are divided into 43 Geography categories.Categories are...सौर परिवार (Solar System)पृथ्वी (Earth)सौर मंडल के घटक (Components of Solar System)सामान्य भूगोल (General Questions of Geography)ब्रह्मांड (Universe)महाद्वीप (Continents)महासागर (Oceans)वायुमंडल (Atmosphere)पर्वत (Mountains)नदियाँ (Rivers)झीलें ( Famous Lakes)खाड़ियाँ (Famous bays)भारत की नदियाँ (Indian Rivers Questions)भारत की झीले (Famous lakes of India)भारत में खनिज (Minerals in India ) etc.